Stock Analysis



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Disclaimer: We reserve the right to refuse analysis to any companies that we deem as purely promotional, speculative or vapor. If you are requesting us to provide analysis for promotional purposes, be aware that we could very well come back with a strong recommendation to short the company. This service is intended to be value-added and for serious investors seeking unfiltered, unbiased, 3rd party analysis.

Only stocks traded in the U.S. capital markets are allowed for review (e.g., Nasdaq, NYSE, AMEX or OTCBB).


Seacoast Advisors, Inc. is a publisher. We are not registered as a securities broker-dealer or an investment adviser either with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission or with any state securities regulatory authority. The material provided on the website is for general informational purposes only. No information on the website is intended as securities brokerage, investment, tax, accounting or legal advice, as an offer or solicitation of an offer to sell or buy...

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Our focus at Small Cap Pulse is to provide our readers with timely and insightful stock ideas and market information that is value-added. Some of the companies that we introduce are our clients, and our only axe to grind is making their story better known. Most of the companies that we discuss are just companies that we think you should know about, as well as the fundamentals that we think will drive their stock prices higher, and in some cases lower...

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