Energy Conversion Devices (Nasdaq:ENER) Should Get Lift From Analyst Day
Posted: 03 October 2008 09:22 AM   [ Ignore ]  
Total Posts:  49
Joined  2008-05-06

October 3, 2008 – Cowen Analyst Rob Stone released an update this morning on Energy Conversion Devices (Nasdaq:ENER) and reiterated his OUTPERFORM rating, the day after attending ENER’s analyst day. He concluded that “The next 120MW plant location should be announced soon and will ramp in H2:10, boosting year-end capacity to 420MW (vs. prior 300MW). As a result, we trimmed FY09 EPS on increased expenses, and raised F10 on higher MW shipments. We see 60%+ upside vs. the market in 12 months and reiterate Outperform.”

What other analysts are saying:

• September 2 – Janco Partners rates ENER at MARKET PERFORM with price target of $72.
• August 29 – Credit Suisse rates ENER at OUTPERFORM with price target of $86
• August 29 – Ardour Capital rates ENER at HOLD with price target of $68
• August 29 – Jeffries rates ENER at BUY with price target of $98
• August 29 – Piper Jaffray rates ENER at HOLD with price target of $73

Important Disclosure Note: SCPEditor has no position in ENER. The information and trades provided here and in the comments are for informational purposes only and are not a solicitation to buy or sell any of these securities. Investing involves substantial risk and you should evaluate your own risk levels before you make any investment. Past results are not an indication of future performance.

Posted: 03 October 2008 12:03 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  16
Joined  2008-03-21

Looks promising. What is your projected stock price at the end of this year? Would like to see how you rate them among these others.

Posted: 03 October 2008 12:07 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  12
Joined  2008-04-30

Looks like they just put out the news this morning.  I agree this does sound like a promising investment but would like to see how this stock reacts today to the news before i jump in head first.

Posted: 03 October 2008 12:12 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 3 ]  
Total Posts:  16
Joined  2008-04-30

Hulk301 you wont have to wait to long to see how the market is reacting. Looks like ENER is up 7.23 about 12% on almost 1.5 million shares. Now the real test is to see if they can meet their target dates. Will be keeping an eye out these guys for sure. Thanks for the heads up SCP editor.

Posted: 03 October 2008 12:21 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 4 ]  
Total Posts:  9
Joined  2008-03-21

I see a lot of potential for this stock. If you look at their 1 year chart they are definately in an upwards trend.  Since May the company has really made some real strong gains on volume of about 3 mil to date. Lets keep our fingers crossed that they stay on schedule with the new facility. SCP editor I’m with our boy billy here would like to see how you value the company.  You always have a good take on a company and it never hurts to get a sixth opinion. 


Posted: 08 October 2008 01:40 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 5 ]  
Total Posts:  16
Joined  2008-03-21

Rundgren I am glad you agree with me about SCP editor chimming in on his valuation since he always seems to have a great insight for us viewers.  I think this company does have a ton of potential and like you mentioned in your last post if they can stay on track with the new facility we could be looking at a great company with a lot of upside on the stock price.  The one year chart is showing a rather strong trend upwards which is tuff to find now a days in this troubled economy.  I will check back frequently patiently awaiting SCP editors 2cents on this stock.

YahooFinance Stock Chart

Posted: 07 January 2011 03:24 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 6 ]  
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2010-12-21


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Thank you in advance.
